E-9-1-1 Mapping & Addressing
The Monroe County MAPPING AND ADDRESSING COORDINATOR has been designated by the Monroe County Commission as the addressing authority for Monroe County.
- Mapping– maintenance of all GIS data for the E-9-1-1 Communications Center mapping system.
- Addressing– all addressing services including new addresses and change of address.
- Road Names– naming new roads, road name changes and approval of all road names.
- Pictures from Street front view to assist First Responders identifying residence.
- Upcoming, watch for updates on house marking details to unify Monroe for house numbers.
Mapping Project for Monroe County began early 2003 with a common goal set forth by Congressman Rahall as 2001 the Statewide Addressing and Mapping Board (WVSAMB) was established with the passage of legislation introduced by the West Virginia E-911 Council, Senate Bill 460. This Board was taxed with the expectation to develop Statewide E-9-1-1 mapping. The project update 2008 has majority of State complete with the mapping and now in “maintenance” mode.