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Voter Registration

Election Forms

Precinct Information

 In West Virginia, elections are conducted through a structured process involving various officials and entities to ensure fair and accurate voting. The County Clerk plays a pivotal role in this process at the county level.
Election Process in West Virginia:

  • Voter Registration: Residents must register to vote at least 21 days before an election. Registration can be completed online, by mail, or in person at the County Clerk's office. First-time registrants are required to provide identification, such as a valid photo ID or a utility bill displaying their name and current address. 
  • Primary and General Elections: West Virginia holds primary elections to nominate party candidates for various offices, including nonpartisan positions like judicial roles and board of education members. The general election determines which candidates will hold office. 
    Voting Methods:
  • In-Person Voting: Voters can cast their ballots at designated polling places on Election Day.
    • Early Voting: Available for a specified period before Election Day, allowing voters to vote at their convenience.
    • Absentee Voting: Voters unable to vote in person due to specific reasons can request an absentee ballot. The request must be submitted no later than six days before the election, and the completed ballot must be postmarked by Election Day and received within five days thereafter. 

Role of the County Clerk:

The County Clerk is integral to the administration of elections within their jurisdiction, with responsibilities including:

  • Voter Registration: Serving as the chief voter registration official, the County Clerk oversees the registration of eligible voters and maintains accurate voter records. 
  • Election Preparation: The Clerk is responsible for preparing ballots, securing and maintaining voting equipment, and ensuring the availability of necessary election supplies. 
  • Poll Worker Management: They conduct training sessions for poll workers and other election officials to ensure they are well-prepared for their duties on Election Day. 
  • Early and Absentee Voting Administration: The Clerk manages early voting periods and processes absentee ballot applications, ensuring that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots. 
  • Election Day Oversight: On Election Day, the County Clerk oversees the proper conduct of elections, addresses any issues that arise, and ensures compliance with state election laws.
  • Canvassing and Certification: After the election, the Clerk participates in canvassing the votes to verify results and certifies the election outcomes for their county.

Through these duties, the County Clerk ensures the integrity and efficiency of the electoral process in West Virginia, upholding the democratic principles of the state.

Voter and Candidate Resource Center

Voter Picture ID Law

Beginning January 1, 2018, voters must show a form of identification to vote in person during the Early Voting period or on Election Day in any election. Any ID shown for voting purposes must be valid and not expired.

Acceptable Forms of Non-Photo Identification

  • Voter Registration Card
  • Medicare card or Social Security card
  • Birth certificate
  • WV hunting or fishing license
  • WV SNAP ID card
  • WV TANF program ID card
  • WV Medicaid ID card
  • Bank or debit card
  • Utility bill or bank statement issued within six months of the date of the election
  • Health insurance card issued to the voter

Acceptable Forms of Photo Identification

  • WV driver’s license or other WV ID card issued by the DMV
  • Driver’s license issued by another state
  • U.S. passport or passport card
  • Military ID card issued by the U.S.
  • U.S. or WV Government employee ID card
  • Student ID card
  • A concealed carry (pistol/revolver) permit
  • Voter Registration Card with Photo (this can be obtained from the Monroe County Clerk's Office)

There are three (3) exceptions to the new Voter ID requirement

Exception 1: Signed, Sworn Statement by an Adult who has Known the Voter for 6 Months or More.
A voter does not have to show an ID to vote if the voter is accompanied by an adult who:

  1. Has known the voter for at least 6 months;
  2. Shows a photo ID with his or her name and address
  3. Signs an affidavit at the polling place confirming the voter’s identity.

Exception 2: A Poll Worker Knows the Voter.

A voter does not have to show ID to vote if a poll worker has known the voter for at least 6 months. No additional affidavit or ID is required.

Exception 3: Residents of State Care Facilities

Residents of licensed WV state care facilities do not have to show ID to vote if:

  1. The voter is a resident of the care facility;
  2. The care facility is a polling place; and
  3. The resident’s polling place is located at the care facility.

Should you have any questions about this new law, please contact the County Clerk's office at (304)772-3096.

Voting System

In Monroe County, West Virginia, the election process utilizes the ExpressVote and DS200 systems, both developed by Election Systems & Software (ES&S), to facilitate efficient and secure voting.

ExpressVote Universal Voting System:

The ExpressVote system serves as a versatile ballot-marking device designed to accommodate all voters, including those with disabilities. Voters interact with a touchscreen interface to make their selections, and the system provides accessible options such as audio assistance and compatibility with assistive devices. Once selections are made, the ExpressVote prints a paper ballot summary card that lists the voter's choices, ensuring a verifiable paper trail. This process enhances voter confidence by allowing individuals to review their selections before final submission. 

DS200 Precinct Scanner and Tabulator:

After marking their ballots with the ExpressVote system, voters insert their paper ballot summary cards into the DS200 scanner. The DS200 is a precinct-based optical scanner that digitally captures and tabulates votes on-site. It incorporates several security features, including physical and system access controls, audit logs, and encryption protocols, to ensure the integrity of the voting process. The immediate tabulation allows for prompt reporting of results once the polls close. 

The integration of the ExpressVote and DS200 systems in Monroe County streamlines the voting experience by combining user-friendly ballot marking with secure and efficient vote tabulation. This approach not only accommodates a diverse electorate but also upholds the principles of accuracy and transparency in the electoral process.

Magisterial Districts

Monroe county is divided into three Magisterial Districts; the Western, Eastern and Central districts. A Couny Commissioner is elected from the district from which he or she resides in on a rotating basis. Magisterial District boundaries are determined by population and are reviewed each year after the United States Census is conducted. Districts are required to be close in population. If after the census is conducted and it is determined that the population in one magisterial district is greater than another district, the County Commission is required to redraw the magisterial district boundary lines to make the population of each district as equal as possible.

Voting Precincts

Monroe County presently has eighteen (18) voting precincts. Voters are assigned to a precinct based on where they reside. A map outlining the voting precinct boundary lines is posted in the County Clerk's Office and is available for review. Click here for a list of the voting precincts. The list contains the precinct number, precinct name, and the location of the precinct and which magisterial district the precinct is located in. 

Learn More

Early Voting

Early Voting takes place for ten (10) days before an eletion up until three (3) days before the election. Early Voting is conducted at the Old Union Rescue Squad Building located at 150 Pump Street, and at the Peterstown Town Hall during normal business hours of the County Clerk's Office. These hours are 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, and from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM on Saturdays. See election calender for specific dates (to be posted at a later date).

Central Counting Center

To find out more about the Central Counting Center (CCC), please click here.

Poll Workers

We are always in need of pollworkers. If you are registered voter and are interested in becoming a pollworker then please contact Becky Fox at [email protected]. The pay is $150.00 for the day. Duties include:

  • Welcoming Voters
  • Checking and Comparing their names in a poll book
  • Taking the voters to the iVotronic Machines
  • Loading the appropriate ballot
  • Stringing poll slips
  • Picking up and delivering supplies to the Courthouse
  • A mandatory 2 hour training is required.

Absentee Voting by Mail

To request an Absentee Ballot by mail please see forms below:

Upon completion mail to:

Monroe County Clerk's Office
PO Box 350
Union, West Virginia 24983

Overseas And Military Voting

For information regarding Overseas and Military Voting please see forms below: