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Voter Registration

New Online Voter's Registration

The West Virginia Secretary of State has launched a new endeavor to help citizens of West Virginia register to vote. This system can be used to register to vote, as well as change any information that may be different. Please follow the link below

West Virginia Secretary of State Online Voter Registration

Unsure if you are registered to vote? Don't know where you go to vote? Follow the link below to find out!

Check to see if you are registered to vote!

Eligibility Requirements

  • You must be a United States citizen and a resident of the county in which you wish to register, 30 days prior to an election.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age or 17 years old and will be 18 on or before the next General Election.
  • May not currently be under conviction, probation or parole for a felony, treason or election bribery.
  • May not have been judged mentally incompetent in a court of competent jurisdiction.

How can I register to vote?

  • In person at the County Clerk's Office
  • Online at the West Virginia Secretary of State's Website.
  • By mail. Click here to print a Voter's Registration Application. Once completed, please mail to Monore County Clerk, PO Box 350, Union, WV 24983
  • By contacting the County Clerk's Office at (304)772-3096 and request us to mail you an application.
  • At an outreach location designated by the Clerk's Office a couple months prior to an election. The date and location will be advertised in the local newspaper.

Where can I register to vote in person?

  • The County Clerk's Office at the Courthouse, 216 Main Street in Union
  • Driver License Offices
  • Public assistance agencies
  • Agencies which serve people with disabilities
  • Military recruiting offices

Outreach Voter's Registration Services

Each year in which an election will be held, the County Clerk and his staff will provide outreach voter's registration services at different locations throughout the county. The dates, times and location of the outreach Voter's Registration will be published in the local newspaper.

The County Clerk's Office also visits James Monroe High School each year to provide eligible students an opportunity to register to vote.

Information Concerning Registering to Vote by Mail

When registering to vote by mail, please provide us with your physical address in block #4 of the application. if you haven't been assigned a house number, please give us the road or street you live on. We use this information to assign you to the correct precinct.

If you register to vote by mail, you will be asked to provide identification the first time you go to vote.

Upon receipt of your voter's registration application, the County Clerk's Office will mail you a confirmation card that will have the address in which you provided us. If the cared is not returned to our office, we assume your address is correct and you will then be mailed a letter advising you of your voting precinct and location and your voter's registration card.

If you don't recieve your letter and card within 7-14 days of mailing your application, please contact the County Clerk's Office immediately.

Total Voter Registration by Party for Monroe County

To see the Total Voter Registration by Party for Monroe County, please click here.

Policy on Obtaining Voter's Registration List

In accordance with WV Code 3-2-30, the Monroe County Clerk's is authorized to sell lists of the registered voters in Monroe County to be used for non-commercial use only.

We can provide these lists in several different ways. We can provide a complete list of names of all the registered voters in the county and we can also provide a list containing the names of voters in a specific party or in a specific precinct(s).

The list will include the following information; name of voter, mailing address, party affiliation, date of birth, voter status and the precinct in which the voter is registered. State law prohibits the Clerk's Office from providing the voter's phone number on such lists. The voter's status will be listed as "Active" or "Inactive". An active voter is a voter who has consistently voted in the past. An Inactive voter is a voter who may not have voted in the past few elections. As far as voting, there is no difference whatsoever in an Active or Inactive Voter. When an Inactive voter votes, his or her status is simply changed to Active by our staff.

Voter's list can be provided in paper or digital format. The cost for a paper list is one cent per voter name. A list in digital format costs one cent per name plus $10.00 for each disk required. The number of registered voters in the county varies almost daily. We suggest you contact the Clerk's Office for the fee for when you are ready to purchase a list. We generally can provide you with voter's list in 24 hours or less.

The County Clerk's Office works very had in keeping our voter list current. If you see someone's name on the list that has passed away, we kindly ask that you notify us. As hard as we try in keeping the list current, we may have inadvertently missed removing the name of someone who has passed.

To obtain a voter's list, please complete the following form and forward to us.

Voter Registration List Request Form

*Payment is due at the time you pick up your list.

Voters Reigstered No Party Choice

Please remember it is your responsibility to request to the pollworkers if you are wanting a Democrat or Republican ballot. Pollworkers are prohibited from asking you.
